Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

I couldn’t let this day go by without a quick blog post.  Here’s what my daughter said……”There shouldn’t just be a Mother’s Day, there should be a Mother’s WEEK!”.

True?  Another friend said that the number of days that we get should be determined by the number of children we have and their relative levels of difficulty.  Hmmmm…..

I think most of us would agree.  I don’t disagree.

But here’s another side which goes along with my New Year’s intention of being more positive.

Mother’s Day is a day where I can focus on how blessed I am to be a mother.  Are there hard, frustrating, messy, frantic, exhausting, crazy-making days?  YES!  And I’m so lucky to get the chance to experience them.

Being a mother has given me a chance to experience a second childhood, to love and be loved like never before.  I’ve been given the opportunity to grow as a person, and the chance to help 2 more people into the world to do amazing things.  I can’t imagine a greater gift.

It’s so easy to get tired and caught up in all the reasons why being a mother is hard.  It is hard.  But by finding the things we love about it and giving those things our focus and being intentional in our mothering we can be less tired.  We can find more ease and tenderness, a flow.  We can remember the magic of childhood and see that in the faces of our children.  We can re-create some of it in ourselves too.

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Mothering!

Author Info

Joyful Beginnings

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