Daniel turns 9

Daniel turns 9

My little boy has been 9 years old for 3 weeks. Only one year left of single digits!
Because he’s my youngest and last, these birthdays feel more monumental somehow. This will be the last time I have a 9 year old.

I write these “Birthday Blogs” as I call them because I want a snapshot of what each kid was like at each age.  I want this to help me remember them, not just in pictures or videos, but as a whole little person.  I’ve never been good at maintaining a journal, so this is my once a year shot at saving some of these memories.  

Daniel still has an adorable gap-toothed smile. He still thinks it’s funny sometimes to run around and be silly in the nude, although at other times he’s very modest and needs privacy to change clothes. He loves to snuggle, run and scream for no apparent reason, ride around on anything with wheels (especially hoverboards), experiment with weird sounds and volumes over and over, collect only the cutest stuffed animals, listen to audiobooks and podcasts with his sister, listen to Hamilton songs on his Sony Walkman, play with his friends, obsess about Pokemon, have Nerf gun wars, and play soccer.
The night before his birthday, he put 5 teeth under his pillow for the tooth fairy. He had 5 teeth to turn in because when he lost his first tooth, he decided he could not part with them and began saving all of his teeth. But then he discovered Pokemon. He realized he needed some quick cash so he could add to his card collection. He had been storing the teeth in a very special little wooden box. He lost another tooth about a month before his birthday and decided it was time to sell them to the fairy. Unfortunately, the little box was nowhere to be found. My obsessively tidy 7 year old has become a very messy 9 year old. We looked for days, but he finally mourned the teeth as lost.
Then the day before his birthday party, we decided to do a major clean-out of his room so that he could fit a friend under his bed for the sleepover. We found the little wooden box full of teeth, and he was able to wake up on the morning of his birthday to an envelope full of cash from the tooth fairy! He’s pretty sure there is a tooth fairy, although he sometimes tries to accuse me of taking them.

He is strong and reckless, but surprisingly gentle with little kids and animals.  He still adores his big sister while continuing to torment her. 

He loves to win at everything, although he’s cut WAY back on the cheating to win.  He is an excellent student and loves to learn and do well in school.  He is an above average reader, but NEVER reads for fun.  He is a leader, often bordering on bossy although less and less as he ages.  He has a strong sense of justice, and he loves to make people laugh.  He likes to test out new words all the time (not usually “good” words).  He loves being in nature and thrives at wilderness school.  He especially loves wood carving, building fires, and identifying/eating edible plants.  He is so loving with our dogs and usually gets gooey and goofy over their cuteness. 

He has recently decided that when he grows up he wants to be a boss.  He hopes that when his grandfather retires, he can take over his business and be “The Boss”. 

He is still a foodie and loves cooking with me.  He will try anything, the more exotic the better, and usually loves it.  I am so happy that we can share that, and when I can let go and give him some responsibilities in the kitchen, we have so much fun together. 

He is impulsive, FULL of energy and ideas, SUPER physical, never quiet, never still, adorable, smart, and powerful.  He’s my sweet snuggly Daniel.   Happy 9th, my boy!







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Joyful Beginnings

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