Babies, babies, everywhere!

Babies, babies, everywhere!

In the weeks since Hurricane Harvey hit our coasts, I’ve been seeing a lot of devastation, so many things that could make me feel helpless and impotent.  I spent a few days in Houston seeing wreckage, doing what I could to help in ways that felt so small, teaching my kids about how even they can help in small ways that might make someone’s day just a little better.   This last thing was also a very important lesson for me.  When I first saw the dramatic effects of the storm, it felt like all I could do was stand there and look with my jaw hanging open.  What could I possibly do to help someone, anyone?!?!?  I can’t put a dent in this, so should I even bother to try?


It was posted on a birth professionals Facebook page and describes how during the April floods in Houston (yep, April, May AND now Harvey), a midwife floated to deliver a baby on an inflatable swan.  Babies come in all weather.  She couldn’t wade in because the water in the neighborhood was waist deep and her supplies would be ruined, so she rode a swan.  Then I soon saw more posts by a group organizing midwives and doulas to head to affected areas to help deliver babies for women who were stuck or who could not access care.  Beautiful!  I felt so warmed and empowered being part of this amazing community.

I realized that there are things I can do.  I can’t soak up all the water in all the homes, I can’t find everyone a new or temporary place to live, I can’t give them back their belongings, I can’t foster all the displaced and lost pets, I can’t restore electricity or feed all the hungry.  One midwife can ride in on a big white swan to deliver one baby.   can collect some pet supplies for the shelter, I can spend a few days making meals for those with no kitchens, I can share ideas and posts on Facebook, I can hang clothes on racks at a mission preparing to serve flood victims, I can tear out moldy drywall in one garage on one street in one neighborhood, and I can write one blog post to share my experience.

If you can do one thing to help one person or creature, THAT MATTERS!


Author Info

Joyful Beginnings

Comment ( 1 )

  • Eileen

    Wonderfu words, backed up by wonderful acts. Thanks for posting, Ali. You walk your talk!

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